Taking A Break

In yoga, we learn about listening to our bodies, minds and souls to determine what we need. This process can take place on our mats as well as wherever our bodies happen to be at any given time. For several months I have been trying to push through what my heart and body have been telling me by maintaining my regular schedule and trying to meet the demands of my life. I’m giving in.

From October 8 thru Nov 10, 2013,  I am going to take a break from my regular teaching schedule. I will use the time to rest, to engage my personal yoga practice and to allow some powerful emotions that I have been experiencing over the past several months the opportunity to move, hopefully through me.

My brother’s death has reminded me of some fundamental yet easily forgotten principles: Slow down, pay attention, take care of yourself.

Hope to see you in November.


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Two videos worth watching

If We Could See Inside Other People’s Hearts (4:00)

The Earth-Shatteringly Amazing Speech That’ll Change The Way You Think About Adulthood: (9:23)

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Brene Brown On Shame And Vulnerability

In these two talks, Brene Brown, a sociological researcher, talks about the power that shame has to shape our individual lives as well as our collective lives, otherwise known as culture or society. Only by acknowleging and taking steps to become more “Shame Resilient” will we move toward greater personal and universal freedom. Blessings on your journey.

Brene Brown: Listening To Shame – This is the first talk that she gave on TED.
Brene Brown: The Power of Vulnerability – the follow-up talk.

If you want more information on these important topics, read:

I Thought It Was Just Me (but it isn’t): Making the Journey from “What Will People Think?” to “I Am Enough” by Brené Brown (Dec 27, 2007)

The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You’re Supposed to Be and Embrace Who You Are by Brené Brown (Sep 1, 2010)

Daring Greatly: How the Courage to Be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead by Brené Brown (Sep 11, 2012)

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Arthur’s Story, a lot of inspiration

Watch Man Barely Able to Stand on his Own Does the Unthinkable – Most Inspiring Video of 2012 to see how Arthur discovered yoga and tapped into his inner strength and refused to settle for the label “disabled.”

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Love this…

12 Things Happy People Do Differently

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Happy New Year!

Wishing everyone, especially my loyal students from whom I am contiually learning, a joyful, healthy and prosperous new year. I am eternally grateful to all of you who move into your practices with intention and grace and allow me the opportunity to share my love for yoga. Let’s keep it going.


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Need to hear another reason to move your body?

Watch this video – “The Fuzz Speech”.

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Yoga is for every body

After hundreds of years, it appears that modern western medicine is beginning to acknowledge the intimate connection between the mind and body, a concept that has never been lost in thousands of years of yogic science. According to yogic teachings, when there is stress in the mind, it is manifested as stress in the body and vice versa.

The body and mind are vast storehouses of our experiences of life. The mind remembers events from the past with varying levels of accuracy and distortion, it can imagine things that never occurred, it records sights, smells, sounds and feelings all of which are anchored in our bodies by the emotions attached to each of the events, the stronger the emotion, the greater the anchoring.

Over time, the body begins to shape itself in response to these stored life experiences. For example, someone who has come to believe that s/he is not valuable may present with rounded shoulders and drooping head. The extra load placed on the upper spine by this misalignment may translate into lower back pain. This pain may cause the individual to impose restrictions on his/her movement that results in tightening of the hips, which results in uneven walking gait and pain in the feet. As the old song tells us, the head bone truly is connected to the foot bone.

Yoga practitioners have long recognized the benefits realized by the mind as the body begins to become more supple and open. Likewise, releasing mental/emotional patterns allows for greater movement in the body. Through our yoga practices, the body is moved in ways that are not habitual allowing for the release of long-held energy, associated with unexpressed emotion, through the body. With changes in physical patterns of movement come shifts in patterns of thinking and feeling.

What comes to mind when most people hear the word “yoga” are the impossible-looking, bending, twisting poses depicted in magazine articles. People have told me, “I can’t do yoga. I’m not flexible enough.” That’s like saying, “I can’t lift weights because I’m too weak.” To achieve the benefits of yoga does not require that the practitioner to be able to touch his/her toes (Although everyone can by bending the knees). S/he merely needs to desire to touch the toes. With the physical movement, in proper alignment, that comes from reaching for the toes comes release of physical, emotional, mental and spiritual patterns that contributed to the original loss of ability to touch the toes.

Everyone can benefit from yoga. Fortunately, yoga is available in most areas through yoga studios, gyms and community centers. If the idea of attending a class is intimidating, seek out the instruction of a Registered Yoga Teacher for a few private lessons to help you get started. Registered Yoga Teachers (RYT) can be located through the Yoga Alliance web site. Visit the Yoga Alliance web site for a list of teachers in your area. If this is not possible for you, there are many videos, geared toward the beginner, that are available on the Yoga Alliance web site or through your local library.

Move forward with patience. The physical, emotional, mental and spiritual patterns that have formed in your mind and body have done so over years. Expect that it will take time and practice to shift these patterns.


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Yoga On The Roof

A good time was had by all who attended Yoga On The Roof of Whole Foods Trolley Square on Saturday, Oct. 1, 2011. The event was sponsored by Whole Foods and Prana Yoga Trolley Sq.


Yoga On The Roof 10/01/2011

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The Four Agreements

The book that I referred to in class on Saturday: The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz. Four simple rules to live by. There’s also a follow up by Don Miguel and his son, Don Jose Ruiz, The Fifth Agreement.


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