Honor Where You Are

As I hurried last minute out the door on my way to your class tonight, a nagging inner voice that seemed to be coming from my body said, ” You are not feeling well, and need to rest”. But because your yoga class is the only yoga class I enjoy, and actually get relief from, I ignored the voice and told myself that I must “force” myself to make it, albeit late because the traffic has become so horrendous in SL over the years. I am angry, and tired, and sick, and stuck in traffic. I keep looking at the clock on my dash as I hit each red light.
“I am going to be late”, I murmer.

And indeed I was. As I drove all around outside the gym to find any parking I could, I remembered how I barely found a space to lay my yoga mat last time. How I could hardly breathe because of how many people were there, and from the hot humidity of sweat in the air from the class before.

I could not find a parking space tonight. That was a first. I knew I wouldn’t be able to find space in your class. I drove home, it wasn’t meant to be.
Just as I have heard you say,”you cannot force yoga”, I thought, “then why am I forcing myself to go when I feel so crummy?”

I finally made it back home, bummed that I missed out on the peace that your class brings me. The emotional stress release I was so craving and needed.
I remembered something that you said that stuck in my mind and I apply it to all aspects of my life now, “Honor where you are”.

I am sick and my body needs rest. And so I am honoring that and heading to bed, hoping that next week I will feel better, I will be rested and prepared, arriving early, a place to park, a space to lay my mat. I went to your class last week for the first time in a very long time and finally had the courage to thank you for the peace that I feel there, and that I remember your healing words.
Thank you,

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